I tend to let others overpower me without my intention to.
I’m going through a phrase I’m not sure what it is called but I’m unable to control it.
My avoidant level seems to get lower and lower as the temptation outweighs the control.
While my eyes sway left to right I move in a rapid motion.
This subject has a role of its own that I haven’t seemed to figure out.
As I try to hold back the urge gets to an immense power that seems to build up.
When I have little-left room to build I explode with everything that was built up.
I’m not aware of my actions. It’s more like my soul has left my body and is replaced with the “subject”.
I’m not sure where I’m at or if I’m even alive but everything seems a bit too real.
I have energy yet it’s something that’s forced upon me.
Through the cracks of my teeth, it lays red.
Focus on me
Loves to give hugs
Only smiles
Never sad
Empowers everyone around her
Lives for others
You of all people should know
The air that we breathe
Isn’t the air that we breathe
With the lack of morals
That society believed in
Pass into oblivion
The day that it changes
Doesn’t say in our present time
Time keeps moving forward
Throwaway Bodies
The throwaway bodies of prostitutes
The throwaway bodies of sharecroppers
The throwaway bodies of domestic workers
Call them all “ The throwaway(s)”
How can we just forget about them?
As if they never existed
The photographs stare back at me as I stare back at them
The gaps in my history shown in a picture
Aid in remembering where I came from
The banging of the drums
The singing during the night
The dances to keep moving
I forgot
The speaking of my unique language
The unique foods that we eat
The unique blood that we have
I forgot
It has been mixed with