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Poetic Essay

Writing my own poems, allowed me to explore the different situations that I have observed in my life. Some things were memorable while, other poems is about what is occurringat this moment. These poems by myself are called “ Trapped” “Focus on Me”  “Affected” “Throwaway bodies” and “History”. These poems focuses on the contrasting circumstances in life and also go in depth of how many people feel in the inside but doesn’t release.
When I wrote the poem “Trapped” I wanted to make the emotion of anger as a person. I could recall many moments when anger has v-tense control of my thoughts, words, and actions and changed me into a new person but, just for a few moments. “While my eyes sway left to right I move in a rapid motion./ This subject has a role of its own that I haven’t seemed to figure out./ As I try to hold back the urge gets to an immense power that seems to build up.”. The tone of the poem is like overarching mood.  I personified the emotion of anger into doing physical human things. Also, I used pathos to elicit the feelings that are already inside the audience.  I decided to write this poem in free verse because the wanted the feeling of anger to be described as it regularly would. This poem shows the strength of anger that takes a toll in our mind. I used a subjective description to provide vivid and specific details to help the audience visualize how anger can take a toll on someone who is suffering from the feeling at that moment. The audience for this poem is for anyone because of the fact that most people have felt this feeling once in their lifetime. The purpose of this poem is to deeply analyze the effects of anger and what it can do to someone once it is released .
The poem “ Focus on Me” is the complete opposite of “Trapped”.  The reason why the title of the poem is called “ Focus on Me” is because if you look closely to the spelling, you’ll spell out a word. The rhetorical device that was used was an oxymoron because its an apparent oxymoron.  The purpose of this poem is to explain that it’s always those who are around you,who pretend like they’re happy but, deep inside are hurting. In this poem, I used a name poem to spell out the word “LONELY” but then use positive words that are the complete opposite. I feltlike the name poem was the best fit for this poem because it will take some readers time to reveal the truth of the poem. It tricks the reader to think its a positive poem but, as they read further they will cover the veracity. This poem also uses pathos because it evokes pity and sadness.
The poem “Affected” reveals how the mindset of many people has changed over the years. This is a found poem from the actual poem “ America” by Claude McKay. The meaning of the poem “ America” was the prejudice he felt when he came to America and the love/ hate relationship with America. In my poem, I write about a relation in that that it hasn’t really changed and people haven’t changed either as much. The telos of this poem is many people don’t go based off their morals or what they were taught anymore. In the first haiku I wrote “ The air that we breathe/ Isn’t the air that we breathe/ Contaminated”. I wrote this to show how the people around us can affect everyone else around us by changing the way that we think. This new mindset could affect the minds of the younger generation and if we don’t change this way of thinking now, we won’t be able to change it later on in life.
The poem “ Throwaway Bodies” is a response to the article “  Throwaway Bodies in the Poetry of Natasha Trethewey”. In the poem that I’ve written is agreeing with Natasha Trethewey by giving an explanation of why photographs are key to remembering the majority of your history. The context of this poem is being delivered to anyone who wants to learn the best ways to keep their history intact and the exigence of the poem is being delivered as soon as the poem is published. The rhetorical appeal of this poem is logos because it is informing the audience in ways that you can keep your family history together through images that are going to be passed down through generation to generation. The repetition of the word(s) “ Throwaway bodies” is used to highlight that if images aren’t presented in your history that it is basically being thrown out and you won’t be able to see the differences in time era and how has it impacted you as a person. You wouldn’t be able to see how it made you as a person and how you won’t be able to see how has you family tree evolve throughout the years. The poem is persuading you to take images of your family history to remember where you came from.
The poem “ History” is a response to “ Afro-America Fragment” by Langston Hughes. I agreed with Langston Hughes poem by explaining that trying to maintaining a culture that you were exposed to is hard to do when you’re living in a society that has the complete opposite. The telos of my poem is to explain that trying to keep what your parents taught you (culture wise)  I shared when you were born or raised in a place that is not similar to it. The audience of this poem is anyone who has been exposed to a culture but, lives in a place that says otherwise.  Both poems by Langston Hughes and I, are describing the effects it has on the people who have experienced it, which is beginning to forget the old culture you were exposed to and try to adapt to the new one.
Every poem has a specific story behind them but, it depends on how you interpret it. Poems are the most efficient way to get your story across, in a way that no one can judge you. Always write poetry so we could understand everything and everyone around us.